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Paladin (Book Two of the Elemental Paladins series) Page 4
Paladin (Book Two of the Elemental Paladins series) Read online
Page 4
“She’s not really cheating.” Ryker defended. “She is simply using every resource at her disposal. I would hope all of you do the same when you’re fighting.”
Obviously, Ryker was privy to Max’s secrets. Darius knew Max kept her bond with Ryker more open than with the others. Since the week before in the kitchen when Cali had told her of how open the bond was, Max had been working diligently to control the flow better. She could easily turn it on and off at will – something only possible from the oldest and strongest among them. But sometimes keeping the balance of in and out was still a bit tricky for her. Being a very private person, used to her own space, she tended to prefer to close the bond when experiencing high emotion rather than just turning it down. But just yesterday in his private study, Lark had revealed that he was having horrendous nightmares almost every night. He didn’t disclose their content but he said he would wake up petrified and shaking and sick. He thought he was sharing Max’s nightmares with her.
When she had first come, her screams had been a nearly nightly occurrence. Since sharing Ryker’s bed every night, the blood curdling sounds had stopped and Darius had assumed the nightmares no longer plagued her. But if Lark was correct, then she was still suffering through night terrors. Lark was worried about upsetting Max and didn’t want to approach her, adding on; “Besides, she is my liege and I her paladin. If she must suffer nightly, then it is my duty and privilege to suffer with her.” Darius couldn’t have been prouder of the young earth paladin. Lark had never been bound in an Order before, having been deemed unfit firstly by his pathetic excuse of a father, then by the local council – also coloured by his father’s remarks. But he had taken to his duties like a true knight.
Beyden began laughing, drawing Darius back to the present. “I agree. We should all play to our strengths.” He said smugly.
Cali’s ice-blue eyes narrowed in mock danger at their resident gentle giant. Darius knew it was in jest because none of them could ever get mad at him. “What do you know, Beast-boy?”
For some inexplicable reason, the comment made Max and Beyden laugh even more. And that’s when Darius noticed their guests. They were inside the gym – a separate building from the house – and the gym opened right up with a set of concertina doors, effectively creating a huge indoor-outdoor area. Given the fineness of the day, the doors had been opened wide and now that he was focused on something other than three sweaty, semi-naked females wrestling in front of him, he could see they had some extra spectators.
There was a parliament of owls perched in the doorway and even in the rafters. Although it was very unusual to see the normally nocturnal birds out in the light of day, Darius now had his answer as to Max’s impressive skill. She literally had a little birdy sitting on her shoulder. The others noticed his line of sight and several gasps followed. Beyden picked his way over the practice mats and over to a particularly large brindled owl. It hooted softly, nudging his hand.
“Owls have binocular vision. It means they can judge height, width and depth all at the same time and even estimate distances the same way humans do. When you add in they are able to rotate their head two hundred and seventy degrees, their field of view is amazing.” He explained.
“Are you trying to tell me the owls told you what to do?” Cali asked, sounding incredulous. Darius couldn’t blame her. It was his understanding that Beast Wardens could communicate with animals, but he didn’t think it was as clear as actual words. And those who could ‘speak’ to the animals held the most power over their domain. Max couldn’t possibly be as powerful as the oldest and strongest wardens of their society, in every single domain, could she?
“Of course not!” Max said, everyone relaxing at her words. “They were simply watching your body’s projections. You know, how your left shoulder twitches before you strike and your head dips slightly down when you’re about to execute a kick? Their eyesight picks up everything!” She blew kisses at her new feathery friends. “Then they relayed that information to me.”
“You were communicating with the owls the entire time you were engaged in battle with Cali and Diana?” Lark asked slowly as if in need of further clarification.
Max nodded her head, “Uh huh!” Oblivious to the shock and awe her flippant answer caused, she headed out of the gym, “Come on. I’m starving!”
Darius shook his head even as Axel asked, “Is she really that strong already?”
Ryker nodded. “Yes. She is.”
“So, I need to borrow a car please.” Max stated, after everyone had cleaned up and were enjoying a mid-morning snack. It was Saturday and nobody was due in at the Lodge for anything. Diana knew Ryker had been working his butt off in order to find suitable replacements for them at the training centre. Now that they were bound to Max, they could no longer be working with the new recruits. Their sole responsibility was now to their liege and they would follow her and protect her and offer her vitality wherever she may be. The problem was, they couldn’t yet reveal that some of them were indeed bound to Max, let alone that she was a Custodian. Ryker had strictly forbidden anyone to discuss Max outside these walls. They were all on board with the secrecy until Max could be introduced to the International Domain Council.
The seven heads of each domain travelled the globe almost constantly, each having a different home base somewhere. They usually travelled in pairs or small groups, settling disputes, doling out punishments, approving Orders and whatnot. They only appeared en masse every few months or so and had been due to arrive in their sleepy little part of the world at the beginning of the week. Garrett – the Life Warden and most influential member on the council – had called to let Ryker know they were held up dealing with other issues and their scheduled meeting would be delayed until further notice. They had asked Ryker how they were dealing with their new ‘warden’ friend and if they had any luck finding suitable paladins for her to bond with. Ryker had managed to fudge his way through the conversation by assuring them that Max was happy, safe and healthy and she had decided to stay on under their care temporarily. Ryker had revealed to her that he felt Garrett was a little too knowing – almost as if he was postponing the meeting until all of them could bond with Max or something. Diana had no idea why the Life Warden would want to encourage Max to bond with them let alone facilitate the process, but she had always liked him. He and his wife had been a part of the IDC for hundreds of years.
For her part, Diana was glad they were given the timely reprieve. She, along with Lark, had also bonded with Max a few days ago and they were all slowly muddling their way through the new link within their small Order. Cali had been correct; Max needed some guidance when it came to the link. It was either all or nothing. All was ridiculously intense, the power behind Max’s thoughts and emotions were like nothing Diana had ever experienced in all her years. And her old liege, Verity, had been one of the most powerful Life Wardens ever to be born. Ryker, in true potentate style, was able to regulate the flow to a degree and she was sure he was directing it a lot in order to maintain Max’s privacy. The initial peek Diana had gotten into Max’s mind and her heart had left her shaken. Max was all goodness and light but also pain and sickness, and her vitality flowed from her in waves almost constantly. That was despite all the extra shielding techniques and all the holes Ryker and the other bonded members were plugging up. Diana could only imagine what that energy flow had been like before Max had met them, when she was ignorant of her origins. No wonder the poor thing had chades chasing her down like prey for so long. There would have been nowhere for her to hide where those power-hungry fiends wouldn’t have been attracted to her.
And then there was the flip side; Max closing off the link altogether. They all struggled with it given it was just so unnatural. A very old and very powerful warden would be able to seal off the bond within an Order at their choosing very rarely. But the majority were not able to. Besides, most would never consider it because the whole point of the Order was to maintain a constan
t link to their liege. Max had other ideas however, and insisted on maintaining her privacy as well as theirs. It was actually very thoughtful and once Max learnt how to dial down before shutting off, Diana was sure she would even appreciate it. She had been without an Order for fifty years now and had grown accustomed to being alone in her own head. She was also worried about what she may inadvertently reveal to Max and the others about her attraction and feelings to a certain air paladin.
Said knight had been steadily showing signs of agitation all week. She knew he was frustrated that he couldn’t find all the answers he wanted. His mind was very structured and rigid and she was concerned his self-perception of ineffectiveness would make him feel out of control. And a Darius not in control of his environment? Well, she had never really seen it but she was worried they were all about to. He had taken to muttering to himself, frowning constantly, and his temper was getting shorter and shorter. They were all sure signs that an individual was about to blow. And given she didn’t believe he had blown a gasket in a thousand years …? Well, it was going to be a doozy.
She was also very worried that Darius was yet to pledge his allegiance to Max again. She knew he wouldn’t be able to feel secure in Max’s Order until he attained resolution regarding her origins and potential. She also knew that was not going to happen. The answers as to why Max was a Custodian and just what it meant for their society and indeed, the world, was not going to be found on the pages of a book. If she were being honest with herself, she would admit that the thought of Darius not being in their Order terrified her. She knew. She just knew that the seven of them were supposed to be bound together. For what purpose, she had no idea, but Verity had always told her to trust her instincts. Axel and Beyden had not yet reaffirmed their pledge either, but it wasn’t from lack of desire to do so. Ryker had thought it best to add to the Order slowly so as to not overwhelm Max or the fragile and novel bond. Axel couldn’t wait to get his moving tattoo. That was another issue Darius had – Heraldries should not move.
Despite all of the above concerns, Diana was eternally pleased and proud to be bonded to such a wonderful liege. The natural bond had been there from the start and the feeling of rightness of portent even, just proved to Diana that this was where she was supposed to be. Her new liege, however, clearly wanted to be somewhere else at this moment for she was still busily asking Ryker for the loan of a car.
“Why do you want to borrow a car?” Ryker asked and Diana was glad to see he wasn’t just going to say yes because they were sleeping together.
“I need to go into the city. I need to shop.” Max said bluntly.
“You need to shop?”
“Yes! I have been here weeks and weeks now, living out of my beat-up pack and mooching off Diana and Cali for clothes. I need clothes. I need toiletries. I need supplies for my work. I need to shop.” She said determinedly, and Diana couldn’t blame her. The woman had shown remarkable strength of character to get this far living out of that damn bag of hers.
“Can’t you just order it online?” Her idiotic male lover asked.
Predictably, Max felt it was a very male question as well. “No, Ryker. I cannot just order it online. I’m a human being. I have ovaries. I have needs.”
“What do your ovaries have to do with anything?” Darius asked, causing her more alarm. There was no way Sir Darius would ever normally talk about the female reproductive system, let alone call one of its organs by name. She was tempted to feel his forehead for signs of fever.
Max narrowed her eyes at him, “My ovaries often dictate my whims, like the spontaneous and immediate need to shop. Just like your testicles often dictate your whims, like the need to masturbate furiously in the shower every morning.”
Hey, what do ya know, Diana thought, eyes really could bug that far out of heads and not fall out of their orbital sockets. Evidently choosing to ignore the testicle laden occupants of the room, Max spoke again, this time directing her words to Diana and Cali;
“I also have a bunch of stuff in storage that I would like to get shipped here. I just need to get in contact with my friend where my stuff is stored and –”
“You have friends?” Ryker interrupted, surprise evident in his voice. Diana shook her head. Silly, silly man. That level of shock was totally insulting. Max clearly felt the same way for she aimed darkening eyes in his direction.
“Yes, Ryker. I have friends. I am actually likeable to some people. And I am capable of forming relationships.”
Ryker winced, “I’m sorry, Max. That came out wrong. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just, you don’t talk about friends much and you always said you moved around a lot …” He trailed off.
“No, I don’t talk about my friends much. Yes, I did move around a lot.” She repeated in acknowledgment. But that’s where she stopped, not giving an inch to her poor chastised man. She was such a hard-arse, Diana thought with pride. And that prissy, cold tone of hers sure made one squirm.
Ryker walked over and took Max’s hands in his. He towered over her and his large hands completely enveloped Max’s petite ones. Raising her hands to his lips to kiss and nuzzle softly – a gentleness she never thought she would witness from the ruthless paladin – he apologised again, adding;
“Why don’t you give your friend a call and get everything shipped here. And then we’ll all go shopping and you can buy anything you want.”
“Anything?” Max asked, still appearing stern.
“Of course! Anything!” Ryker was quick to assure her.
Max seemed to contemplate the peace offering for a moment, running her tongue over her white teeth as all the males in the room held their breath. Damn, that girl is good! Diana silently acknowledged.
After a strained thirty seconds, Max finally nodded, “Okay. I’ll call Jazz now and then we can get ready to go.”
“Sure thing.”
“Of course.”
“We’ll be ready whenever you are.”
The men commented as they all rushed off, obviously to weapon up in record time. As soon as they were out of ear shot, Cali released her pent up laughter, “Woman, you are just mean!”
Max giggled, all pretence of anger miraculously vanished. “What? That man deserved it. ‘You have friends?’ Insensitive much?” Max asked rhetorically. “He’s been so good these past couple of weeks, I thought he was cured of his dickish comments.”
“Honey, he’s a man. There’s no cure for that.” Diana pointed out.
Max nodded, “True. Very true. But at least we get to spend the day shopping!” She clapped enthusiastically. “I am dying for a wardrobe upgrade. Especially after seeing yours, Diana. I am in total wardrobe envy!”
She did have an exceptional wardrobe, she acknowledged. One she was very proud of. She was a little snobby when it came to clothes. She liked natural fabrics and believed it was worth spending a little more in exchange for quality and the best fit. When she had first moved in, she had twenty-five large boxes and suitcases; twenty-three of them had consisted of clothes and shoes. Ryker had been horrified. But to his credit, he had offered her the adjoining two rooms at the far end of the house, with their own bathroom. One room she slept in. The other? Well, she had converted it into a walk-in wardrobe … a very large walk-in wardrobe. She thought Max was going to have one of her seizures when she had first shown it to her. She had stiffened, eyes wide, before squealing like a stuck pig and rummaging through everything like a kid in a candy store. Diana didn’t mind. Although Max had been very handsy, she had left everything exactly in its place and hadn’t disrupted a thing. She had also sniffed all of her leather shoes like a junkie needing a fix. It just made Diana like her more.
“Well, you know …” Diana started, “Ryker did say you could get anything you wanted. That is extremely vague and open for interpretation.”
“It is indeed. One could interpret it to mean, for example, that anything could mean everything.” Max grinned and winked.
Laughing, Diana gave her a one-
armed hug. “I do like how you think, my liege.”
Six hours later and Darius was considering slitting his wrists with his own sickle. Max, Cali and Diana had descended on the city’s stores like an apocalyptic locust plague! They had gone from shop to shop, decimating the racks and locking themselves away in the fitting rooms for hours now. “When will this nightmare end?” He muttered, head in hands. He was out the front of a particularly large shoe store with Ryker, Axel and Beyden.
Axel bumped his shoulder, “It’s not that bad.”
Darius felt his eyes widen in disbelief, “You cannot be enjoying this.”
Axel shrugged, popping a sauce-smothered fry into his mouth, “I enjoy all things female.”
Of course he did, Darius grumbled silently. Lark was in the shoe store with the women – not for protection, no – the knight was almost as bad as they were! If Darius didn’t know how lethal Lark was with a blade and such a badass solider, he would have been ashamed of his friend. He had followed them from shop to shop, smiling and laughing, getting just as excited over the sales as they were. The man loved to shop – who knew? Apparently, having Max around was allowing everyone to show their true colours without fear of shame or embarrassment. After all, Ryker was now meek as a lamb – around Max anyway. He had to give his Captain credit today though. The vein pulsing above his eyebrow indicated that he was experiencing the same type of hell as Darius.