Paladin (Book Two of the Elemental Paladins series) Read online

Page 5

  Looking to his left, he eyed Beyden – who was also eating … again. The man must have consumed his weight in junk food throughout the day. How he could eat so much, Darius had no clue. He didn’t share the ambivalent look of Axel or the tortured look of Ryker, no, he looked … indulgent. Which, in his opinion, was far worse. The man was absolutely smitten with their Custodian. “What about you, Bey? You about done for the day?” He asked, just to be sure.

  “I don’t mind.” He responded amicably, as predicted. Darius could do no more than sigh.

  Bey pinned him with those feline-like eyes of his, “What? They’re happy.” He stated simply. “What more can you ask for?”

  Despite his impatient mood, he couldn’t help smiling at the paladin of beasts. He was so even tempered, all of the time. Just so mellow. He wasn’t sure if he had ever seen him yell or throw a tantrum. Although, to be fair, most of them probably hadn’t seen Darius genuinely upset either. He didn’t think of himself as even-tempered, but he did pride himself on his control. When he was a young paladin, the laws and rules governing their society and also the mainstream human one, were very strict. He had grown up knowing his place, never questioning his status or that of the wardens. He was a soldier and would always be a soldier, even when he wasn’t bound to a liege. Old habits were hard to break … and so were first impressions. That was also something that was bothering him, he admitted. His first impression of Diana had been a blood splattered knight, fighting fiercely beside her liege. Cali had likewise been armed and dangerous at the Lodge. But this here, today? They were undeniably women, not just paladins. It made him twitchy. He didn’t need to be thinking about Diana as a woman, his nerves were already fraying.

  “I guess I didn’t realise how girly they all were. They’re usually trying to prove how un-girly they are.” Darius spoke without really thinking. “But then, most women love to shop I suppose.”

  Beyden did smirk at that, “Not all women. And I’d be careful how loudly you say things like that if I were you.” He balled up his empty hot chip bucket and shot it into the garbage bin over five metres away with ease. He continued, “My sister wouldn’t be caught dead shopping.”

  Ryker made a strangled sound – whether it was from the ridiculous imagery of Bey’s sister shopping or something else, he couldn’t be sure.

  “Nothing could kill your sister, man. She’s too mean to die.” Axel softened his teasing words with a shoulder nudge and a twinkle in his blue eyes so his fellow knight understood he was joking.

  “I sincerely hope that’s true.” Beyden’s deep voice resonated with affection. Although he didn’t see his sister often, they were still close.

  Darius had only met Beyden’s sister a handful of times but he had been impressed by her every time. It was a little hard not to be impressed really, the female earth paladin was a Ranger. The Rangers were the boogeymen of their society. They were paladins just like those serving in Orders so far as they also produced vitality and were able to share it with a warden. That was where the similarities ended though. A Ranger never bonded to a liege or formed an Order. They were loners by nature and design, their duty was to punish the guilty amongst them, whether they be Warden or knight. They hunted and killed chades with a merciless economy and were responsible for maintaining their prisons. They helped identify wardens abusing their powers or wardens with unstable powers, thus halting the threat of their conversion into a chade. Darius had no idea what actually transpired in the Ranger encampments and he wasn’t sure he ever wanted to. He’d had the occasion a few times throughout his long life to deliver wardens and paladins into the care of the Rangers and each time he had shuddered in distaste at their establishments.

  How Beyden and Ivy were related, Darius had no clue. They were polar opposites in everything from looks to personality. And it wasn’t because they were only half siblings. Half siblings were extremely common in their society because wardens and paladins generally procreated with the aim of producing wardens or paladins of a particular kind. It meant they picked and chose who they wanted to produce a child with based on what they wanted the outcome to be. As a consequence, romantic relationships were few and far between and full siblings were a rarity. Darius and his brother had been one of those rare few. Not willing to focus on old, painful times, Darius decided to address new times instead;

  “How is Max finding her feet within the Order?” He asked Ry.

  Ryker smiled, his white teeth flashing. Although that horrendous scar no longer covered his face, his cheeks were by no means smooth, Darius noted. It looked like the guy hadn’t shaved in days and a dark growth of stubble dotted his face from chin to hairline. He had never been particularly fastidious over his appearance but he had never shown any interest in growing a beard before. Darius wondered if maybe he was feeling a little self-conscious now that he didn’t have the scar to hide behind and was compensating with the scruff. No doubt Diana would know the correct terminology and the exact psychology underlying the new behaviour. She was as equally skilled in analysing human behaviour and thought processes as she was with a sickle. He sincerely hoped she kept her head shrinking to herself where he was concerned. He didn’t want the perceptive, intelligent, gorgeous, stunning, talented female clueing on to his deep-seated and long-standing infatuation with her.

  “She’s doing great! After the initial issues with the strength of the flow, she’s really gotten the hang of it ... kind of. She still doesn’t really understand it but at least she doesn’t balk at us sharing vitality with her anymore.” Ryker responded to Darius’s previous question.

  “What’s with that anyway? She was positively horrified with the thought of recharging from us and downright judgy to be honest.” Axel pointed out.

  Darius noted the way Ryker’s shoulders stiffened almost imperceptibly before he forced them to relax in a show of feigned casualness. “It was just so new to her, that’s all. Using someone else’s energy in order to sustain herself? It was just such a foreign concept, it made her uncomfortable. She’s more relaxed about it now that she understands it’s her – and our – birthright.”

  Axel and Beyden nodded in understanding and Darius flashed Ryker a quiet look; what’s the deal? He projected with his eyes. He knew the younger paladin would get the message. All of them were familiar enough with each other now that silent communication was easy – even without the bond in place. Ryker gave a small shake of his head in the negative as if to say; not now. He nodded back once in acknowledgement. Evidently there was more to the story than he wanted to discuss in front of everyone. Given they shared practically everything – barring secret unrequited feelings of lust of course – he knew Max must have specifically asked him not to discuss it. Although he was curious, he also respected Max’s wish for privacy.

  “Although she is taking on vitality every day now, I’m still not convinced she’s at full strength. I wonder if she should be recharging more regularly and also from more of us.”

  Beyden frowned. “She looks so much better, Ry. And I know everyone has noticed the surge in nature at the camp, so it’s obvious her energy is disseminating out into the environment.”

  Axel snorted, sitting himself down heavily on the bench next to Darius and propping his feet up on the garden plantar box next to them. “Yeah, no shit. It’s like a freaking menagerie there!”

  “I know. It’s not even intentional.” Ryker said. “But there’s still a … sickness stemming from her, especially when she sleeps.”

  Now it was Darius’s turn to frown, remembering Lark’s concerns and revelations regarding Max’s sleep patterns. He didn’t want to raise it in front of a group and it wasn’t really his information to share. Perhaps he would speak to Lark again and encourage him to discuss it with Ryker.

  “Well, I’m more than willing to get the decoder ring. Just tell me when.” Axel stated, merrily.

  “Me too. I mean, I would be honoured to serve Max formally as one of her personal paladins.” Beyden’s rejoinder was
somewhat shy but heartfelt nonetheless.

  Darius hesitated before asking, “Is that wise?”

  Bey’s amber eyes looked a little devastated as they turned his way. “You don’t think I should be in the Order? I know my local council didn’t approve my request to join a –”

  “No, Bey! That is not what I intended, I swear to you on my lineage. You are one of the most trustworthy and skilled paladins I have ever had the privilege of meeting. You would be an asset in any Order.” He assured him. Damn the man’s local council back in Spain. They had really done a number on his self-confidence.

  “So you just don’t want her to be healthy then?” Axel asked, half sarcastic and half serious. Jeez, Darius thought. They were all so touchy when it came to the tiny redhead. It just served to prove to him that he was taking the correct course of action in being more reserved and practical, and not rushing into things.

  “Don’t take me the wrong way. I want her to be healthy just as much as you do.” He assured them all firmly, “I just mean, we still haven’t figured out how she’s even a Custodian, let alone if Custodians are even supposed to take on vitality that way. What if you’re not doing it right or something?” He wasn’t trying to be a downer – he was just being realistic. They could be doing more harm in the long term even though she seemed to be thriving right this second.

  “She’s sick without it and sharing vitality makes her well.” Ryker responded simply. “That’s good enough for me.”

  Darius held up his hands in surrender at the three sets of frowns aimed in his direction. “But you also saw what she was able to do, just with Diana’s vitality that one time. I mean, seriously Ry, she healed your fifty-year-old scar! That wound was made by a chade’s claw – we all know how toxic those things are. I’ve been researching all week as you know. Even the most powerful Life Warden alive would have had trouble healing that scar, and Max did it fuelled with one paladin’s vitality and two minutes on the beach! A paladin she wasn’t even bonded with, I might add. Have you considered what might happen if she were to finish bonding with all of us and recharge daily?”

  Ryker eyed him cautiously, “I have actually. But it seems like you have too.”

  “Damn, Ry. Her powers could prove limitless!” Darius was afraid he’d gone too far. Expressing his concerns to his Captain was one thing; expressing his concerns to Max’s lover was another matter altogether. But, once again proving he was a born potentate, he merely nodded, eyes straying to the shoe store which housed Max, in contemplation.

  “I understand your concerns, Darius. And I’m grateful you feel comfortable enough to share them with me. But I think you’re missing a key factor here.” Ryker’s brown gaze was serious as it stared into his. “She’s a Custodian. She’s a daughter of Mother Nature herself. She’s supposed to be powerful. It’s her purpose, Darius, her duty.”

  Darius understood all about duty and purpose. His last millennia of life proved that. “But where did she come from?” He burst out, quite spontaneously.

  “I know it must be driving you crazy, not being able to find answers. You hate puzzles, you like solutions. You like control. I get it, man.” Ryker actually stepped over and patted him roughly on the shoulder. Darius figured he must have looked pretty darn pitiful. “I don’t know how she came to be here or why. Fuck! You know I’m not whimsical or any of that shit. But … what were the chances that there would be seven of us, all from a different domain, with no bonded liege, all in the one place?” Ryker blew out an agitated breath, “Makes you wonder, man.”

  Darius couldn’t quite suppress the shiver of portent that whispered through his system at Ryker’s words. Still, he wasn’t a fanciful man, so he forced himself to ask, “Wonder what?”

  Ryker barked out a laugh that held more exasperation than amusement. “I don’t know, man. I don’t know what I’m saying. All I know is, I trust my gut. And my gut is all about that woman.”

  Darius felt a strange fluttering in his own gut. Ryker’s words essentially alluded to a higher purpose or fate or some such thing. His faith in the Great Mother was solid. He believed the original being was real and didn’t doubt the influence she had on nature and the world in times past. But it had been many millennia since a direct sign or action could be attributed to the holy female herself. Once again, his research had hinted that at least one Custodian – one of the original creatures and direct descendants of Mother Nature – must have some presence in the world somewhere at some time. But never was there any whiff of a mention that a Custodian would be in human form. They were spirits. They didn’t require vitality from a paladin because they were essentially nothing but energy – nothing but vitality. And yet, the mere thought of calling Max anything but a Custodian made his stomach cramp in instinctual wrongness.

  Max was a Custodian. Full stop.

  Feeling it was more than time to lighten the mood, Darius slapped Ryker on his back, forcing him forward a step. He always loved doing that. “Are sure it’s just your gut that’s all about that woman?” He teased.

  Ry threw him a cocky grin as his eyes roved over Max’s curvy frame appreciatively. The four shopping musketeers were blessedly exiting the store. “Well, maybe not just my gut.”


  “Stop the car!” Max’s sudden shout startled Diana out of her post shopping binge stupor. After arriving in the city, they had shopped non-stop all day; from clothes to lingerie to cosmetics, they had devoured every shop they came across. And Max had been happy as a pig in mud, which had surprised Diana. Max wasn’t exactly a girly girl nor was she vain or particularly feminine, so she had just assumed that shopping wouldn’t really be Max’s thing. Wrong! She was like a little retail whirlwind, trying things on, sniffing scents, and of course spending money – a lot of money. Once again, Diana had been surprised by the amount of money Max had at her disposal. Given the look of her battered pack and limited faded clothes, she had figured that Max didn’t really have a lot of money. That was not the case, apparently. She just hadn’t been able to access her accounts in months and had been at the end of her cash. She also had been too worried to access anything online for fear of being tracked. But now she had no obstacles in the way, she had arranged for her things to be shipped from storage and also made a big dent in her royalties. Diana was so proud. Cali had also joined in the fun, as well as Lark – much to the disgust of the other men – and the four of them had been wallowing in the spending endorphins as they split into two cars and made their way back home.

  At Max’s shouted command however, they all sprang into action. Ryker slammed on the brakes, causing Beyden to do the same in the car behind them, Diana reached for her sickle and Axel reached over Max in a protective gesture as he began scouting the area with intense blue eyes.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Ryker demanded, eyeing Max from head to toe, dual sickles already in hand.

  “Sheesh! Calm down guys. Nothing’s wrong. I just saw the park …” She pointed to her left and sure enough there was a small reservation with picnic tables and a park area. “… and the swings. I love swings! Can we go swing?” She asked, wide-eyed.

  Ryker’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You almost gave me a heart attack over some swings?” He shouted.

  “Don’t exaggerate. Please can we go swing? Do you know how long it’s been since I was able to just play?” Max cajoled. Nobody could resist the blue-green depths of her eyes and Diana could practically feel the resigned sighs throughout the car. They were going to play on the swings and Max clearly knew it too for she already had her hand on the door handle.

  Ryker sighed, more in aggravation than defeat, “Fine. But you stay near one of us at all times.” Max squealed happily and started to get out of the car, “And, you wait for us to clear the area first.” He added, sternly.

  Max rolled her eyes but stayed where she was as Ryker gave his orders and Lark, Cali and Beyden burst from the other car. It took less than ten minutes for their Captain to be satisfied the area was
safe, and less than ten seconds for Max to shoot from the car and jump on a swing.

  “Someone push me … please!” She demanded. Diana smiled as big, bad Ryker pushed Max on the wooden swing, her small feet kicking out into the darkening sky.

  “Not the usual demands we’re accustomed to obeying from our lieges, is it?” Axel asked, standing guard beside her.

  “Not at all.” She agreed.

  “Do you think she’ll change? You know, when everyone finds out about her and she begins to see that she is literally royalty?” Diana didn’t turn to face him but she did cast her eyes to the side so she could make out the handsome paladin’s profile. He was watching Max with clear affection but his normally dancing blue eyes were clouded with concern. He would probably take it the hardest if Max were to suddenly change her behaviour, given the history with his previous liege. Once a carefree young warden, innocent of the ways of their society, she had been a charming woman who had fancied herself in love with one of her knights. Diana knew that Axel had returned the feelings tenfold and had been utterly devastated five years later when she had thrown him over for better prospects with a more renowned bloodline. Ever since, Axel didn’t bother to hide his disdain of the ruling class and to him, betrayal was the greatest sin one could commit. While Darius also had a pet peeve for betrayal, his was based more on abandonment than duplicity like Axel.

  Feeling for him, after all he was not only a part of her Order but had also become a very close friend over the years, she looked back at Max … and grinned. She nudged his arm, “Why don’t you take a really good look at her and answer your own question?”

  He frowned but did her bidding. After a few seconds he smiled too and chuckled, “You’re right. Nothing’s going to change that girl.”

  Max was pumping her legs back and forth in an effort to get as high as she could. Her port-red hair was flying behind her in a tangled mess and her breathless laugh could be heard echoing throughout the entire picnic area. But what she knew Axel noticed the most was the way nature seemed to respond to her. The grass surrounding the swing set was greener and more lush than minutes before, the air was neither too cool nor too warm, birds graced branches of nearby trees, the horizon was awash in a spectacular array of colours and new plants were popping up like daisies.